Women tend to be far more teachable and willing to try new
things: if it is explained to them in a way that makes sense. Ladies do not suffer from the stupid male
mindset of “I know what I am doing.”
With women it tends to be more of, “I don’t know so I won’t try it
unless someone shows me.” Having said
that, if you are a man reading this, do not immediately jump into explaining to
your wife or girlfriend how your fitness program is right for them. The closer a relationship a man has with a woman; the easier
it is to cross that line from helpful to condescending jerk. Most of the time guys do this
unintentionally. Just know guys, that
the closer she is to you the more likely she will see your suggestions of
various exercises as an unfair critique of her body. If a man and woman in a close relationship
are going to work out together, development of a program should focus on
training her entire body to improve health and fitness, not just the areas you
especially like or want to look better.
In reality, the best thing a man can do to help a women feel more
comfortable in the gym, especially if that woman is interested in strength
training, is to hire a personal trainer you both can trust. With that little soapbox over, let’s dive
into where women go wrong in the gym.
So I am
taking this pill… so is approximately 70% of the adult population in the US
according to last year’s CDC report. Are
we any healthier as a nation? Most people have not gotten any healthier popping
pills. I am putting my money on that weight loss pill not doing it. Two things need to be considered: no
“reputable” supplement company is going to promote testimonial about results of
their product from someone who was not also dieting and exercising while taking
the pill. A healthy diet and regular exercise kind of maximize weight loss.
Also, the only-research verified weight loss pills that work are drugs regulated by the FDA and require a
physician’s prescription to obtain.
Typically these prescriptions are only issued to the morbidly
obese. Any weight loss supplement is not FDA regulated, so
manufacturers can make whatever claim they wish, with or without research to
verify the claims. There is no magic
pill, there is eating healthy and training hard.
skinny with fit…sadly, most women I have had the opportunity to work with
or talk to, at some point talk about how skinny they wish to be. Photo-shopped women in magazines and TV ads
have given women an unhealthy idea as to what the ideal female body should look
like. Ladies, stop trying to be skinny,
stop trying to look a certain way. Change
this mindset for yourself because you do not deserve the guilt and do not need
the stress. Stop making exercise about
looking a certain way. Instead, make
exercise about doing more; about overcoming physical challenges and reaching
new levels of fitness. You will find
self-confidence and a positive body image by overcoming the challenges. Guys would much rather have a woman fit
enough to keep up with and challenge them than a size 0. Guys do not like a size 0. Marilyn Monroe was reportedly a size 12. Just think about it.
Perfection is not attainable, but if we
chase perfection we can catch excellence.- Vince Lombardi
Reduction is a myth. Thousands of
crunches will not give you a flat stomach.
The Brazilian Butt is a joke.
Exercise improves what the body can do.
Nutrition changes how the body looks.
The easiest, and scientifically-based, way to improve body composition
and appearance is to eat healthy and train the entire body. The more muscle recruited, the more calories
expended, the faster the weight loss.
Zone does not exist. But, because of
some terrible nomenclature, every piece of cardio equipment has a setting
labelled “the Fat-Burning Zone.” Low intensity, long duration exercise is
fueled by the breakdown of body fat, this is true, hence the “Fat-Burning
Zone.” The problem is that this method
is that the body stores muscle glycogen to provide fuel for exercise. Fat-Burning Zone training burns calories so slowly that people must exercise a minimum of 90
minutes before the body finishes using stored muscle glycogen and begins
utilizing any fat as fuel exercise. Who
has time for that? Despite this, many women continue to do low intensity
exercise, buying into the fallacy of the “Fat-Burning Zone.” Cardio sucks and low intensity exercise burns
a low number of calories resulting in little change. Get outside of the “Fat-Burning Zone,” or as
I call it, the “comfort-filled-zero- results” zone. Change does not happen inside the comfort
zone. Get sweaty, get out of breath, and
get results.
I worked
out, I deserve…ice cream, chocolate, cookies…whatever it may be, if you
think that workout just gave you permission to have it, you just undid all that
effort and time spent exercising. I
never have to ask a client, male or female, if the diet program is being
followed. Why? Because what a person eats in private is worn
in public. It is impossible to out
exercise poor nutrition. If the effort is there in the gym, but the results are
not coming this is the problem. If this
is you, this is why your body is not changing. I am not saying that you cannot
have a treat now and then; what I am saying is that this should be a once a
week thing, not a every time you work out thing. Reward yourself with new
clothes to fit that new body or a day at the spa. Just do not use food as a reward. You are not a dog; do not reward yourself
with food.
Strength is the capacity to break a
chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands-and then eat just one of
the pieces.-Judith Viorst
into the magic of machines. Outside of therapeutic and rehabilitation
settings, I do not consider strength-training machines to be of much
value. True, for someone who has never
set foot in a fitness club before, all those machines look really impressive;
which is why most fitness clubs buy them.
It is the “wow” factor when potential customers come around. However, the problem with those machines is
that each one is only capable of doing the motion it was designed to do. This is not a terrible thing, just a
limitation. By limiting your
strength-training to just the movements of the machines, a person misses out on
training about 90% of what the body is actually capable of doing. Do not ask how a machine can give you a
better body. Instead, ask how becoming
the machine results in a better body.
doing cardio. Reevaluate yourself in
light of point number seven, that type of cardio only trains the slow-twitch
fibers of the muscles. Slow-Twitch
fibers make up about 45% of the average woman’s total muscle tissue. Look at it another way, by only doing cardio,
you leave more than half your body untrained.
Perhaps this is why the effort only seems to yield about half the
results you would like. Remember, the treadmill is the road to nowhere. If must run, go outside and find a hill. Sprint up, walk back down, repeat. Your body will thank you.
the Talk Test. No, I do not mean you
should spend more time talking. The talk test is a simple way of gauging
intensity. If you can talk while you are
doing it, the intensity is too low.
Whether it is 45 minutes on the treadmill or a heavy set of squats, if
you can spare the energy to talk, you have more energy that can be used to work
harder. Talk during a warm up and cool
down. Talk in between sets, but do not
talk when it is time to work. Put the energy into increased intensity and enjoy
faster results. Ladies, if you train
with the man in your life, this is the easiest way to earn his respect in the
gym. Impress him with the intensity of
your work ethic.
Afraid of
breaking a sweat. If numbers seven
and number three have not established it, let’s address the obvious theme here:
UP THE INTENSITY! It is a simple
reality: the more sweat now, the less jiggle later. When it comes to exercise, there is no
substitute for hard work. I am not sure
if women feel being sweaty is unladylike or if women are just afraid they will
smell like a stinky guy, but sweat equity is one of the best valuations for the
quality of the workout. A short, intense workout is more valuable than a two
hour stroll. If you still look cute at
the end of a workout, you didn’t. Being
a hot mess at the end should be the primary goal. Get intense!

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to sacrifice what you are for what
you may become.- Tony Robbins