This post is going to discuss five different things that you should consider implementing or changing about your current exercise program. Or, if you are not already exercising, some guidelines to follow to make that new program more effective.
1) Walking on the treadmill will not cause significant weight loss.
You have probably heard that walking is good exercise, and it is. I am not knocking the idea of walking as a form of exercise. I just want to help you better understand what is accomplished by walking. Walking is great for improving blood flow throughout the body. It is excellent at helping reduce blood pressure. Over time, it can help reduce your heart rate and make the heart stronger. But it will not result in significant weight loss because it is not an intense enough form of exercise to burn enough calories to achieve weight loss. Think about it... a person walks wherever they go, unless they are in a car. If walking burned enough calories to cause weight loss would another 20 or 30 minutes on a treadmill at the gym, on top of all the walking that you do getting around all day, really be necessary? Walk to improve blood pressure and heart rate, but don't be shocked when walking on the treadmill does not change your pants size.
2) Too many crunches
There is a simple reality of the healthy lifestyle: abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Add to that, crunches are the most over-rated ab exercise ever. Here is why: there are primary three muscles that comprise the area that most people think of when they picture "six pack abs." The first is the rectus abdominus. This what you visualize when you think of abs. These muscles are primarily trained by any type of crunching exercise. The second set of muscles are the internal and external obliques, these muscle run along the side of the abdominal are from the bottom of the ribs to just above the pubic area. These muscles are only trained through rotating the upper body, so; no twisting motion, no training the obliques. The third muscle is the transverse abdominus muscle this muscle is located underneath the rectus abdominus. This muscle is responsible for tightening the abdominal region of the body. Think about the tension created if someone were to try to punch you in the stomach. That tension is the transverse abdominus flexing. The best way to train this muscle is through plank exercises. You want to create that 'sucking in the gut' feeling because that is exactly what this muscle does. So, three different muscles, three different motions. There should be three different types of exercises for an abdominal workout. Oh, do not train abs every day, that is a myth. The abs are like every other muscle group; they need time to recover. Just train them two or three times a week and clean up that diet. You will never see them without it.
3) Heavy weights, no form
ATTENTION WANNA BE BODYBUILDERS and those who learn exercises by watching these people. Lifting all the weight in the world does not do you body a lick of good if you sacrifice proper form in exchange for more weight. Regardless of what exercise you are doing, regardless of sets or reps, or the type of program you are doing; IF YOU LOSE FORM IT IS A WASTE OF TIME! Proper form will do more for you both in that workout and in the long run than slinging around weight. If you are not sure if your form is proper than as a trainer to check it. Most of us a decent enough people that we would gladly take the time to prevent you the injury that will eventually happen. Also, on the rare occasion that one of us approaches you without your request; be quiet and listen. No respectful trainer gives unsolicited advice unless they see a person about give themselves a trip to the hospital.
4) No Body weight training
Perhaps one of bigger mistakes people make is not using their own body weight as a form of resistance. Training with weights is great but every once in a while, mix in some body weight stuff; push ups, pull ups, squats without weight, plyometric training. Really, who cares how big and strong a person is if they have to take a 2 minute break for every set of weights. Exercise is about making yourself move better, and easier. Occasionally doing body weight exercises is the best way to insure that the brawn does not exceed the stamina.
5) Too much time
Alright now who really has time to spend 2-3 hours every day exercising? Unless you are a collegiate, professional, or Olympic caliber athlete, you do not and do not need to. Or, you have the time, to which I say get a girlfriend! Or boyfriend, as case may be. An effective workout for the average gym-goer should be over and done in one hour and a half or less. That includes a warm-up, training, and cool-down, followed by stretching. Personally, I rarely train more than an hour a day but, I live in gyms 45-50 hours a week at least. If it takes longer than that you are resting too much; the pace is too light and the intensity can come up. This goes for weight training. On cardio days, follow the same rule unless you are training for an endurance event that will take longer than an hour to complete. Otherwise, get in, get it on, go home, go live life!
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