Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WOW Challenge for the week of 10/09/2012

WOW Challenge Week of October 9, 2012
Equipment Needed: Jump rope, TRX bands, 18 inch platform, 1 kettle ball
Complete for time:

Jump Rope- 2 minutes
TRX Leg Drive- 10 reps per leg
Box Jumps- 10 reps
KB Snatch- 5 reps per arm (30lbs Men and 15lbs Women)
KB Push up and row- 5 reps per arm (30lbs Men and 15lbs Women)
KB Snatch- 5 reps per arm (30lbs Men and 15lbs Women)
Box Jumps- 10 reps
TRX Leg Drive-10 reps per leg
Jump Rope- 1 Minute
TRX pull ups- 10 reps
Box Jumps- 10 reps
KB step-ups- 5 per leg
Box Jumps- 10 reps
TRX pull ups- 10 reps
Jump Rope- 2 minutes

Exercise Instructions:

TRX Leg drive
Set the handles to chest height.  Grab both handles and tuck them underneath the arms so that the handles are positioned under the armpit and next to the chest.  Place one foot 24 inches behind the other with the toes pointed straight ahead.  Lean the upper body forward so that the feet remain in contact with the ground while the body weight is being supported by the handles.  Once in this position pick up the back foot and drive it forward in front of the body.  Bring the knee up as high as possible without losing balance.  Return the foot to its original position behind the body.  That is one rep.  Complete all reps on one leg and then switch legs.

Box Jump
Start in front of the platform with feet shoulder-width apart.  Drop into a squat and explode upwards.  Make sure that both feet leave the ground together.  Jump on to the top of the platform, pause, and jump down

Kettleball Pushup and row
Place the kettleball on the floor.  Drop into a pushup position with one hand supported on the handle of the kettleball.  Perform a pushup.  At the top of the pushup perform a row with the kettleball.  Perform all reps on one side of the body and then switch arms.

Kettleball Snatch
Start in the same position as the KB deadlift but grasp the kettleball with only one hand.  Explode upward, bringing the arm up past the shoulder and extending it straight overhead.  The arm should be fully extend by the time the body is standing straight.

TRX Pullups
Make sure that the handles have been adjusted to chest height.  Grasp a handle in each hand and walk forward so that the body becomes parallel to the floor with the chest directly below the handles.  Keep your feet together and core braced.  Using the muscles of the back and arms pull chest up until it touches the hands.  Pause for one second and reverse the motion.  Remember to stay tight all the way through the movement.

Kettleball Step-ups
Hold the kettle ball at the side of the body next to the hips.  Keep the shoulders back and square.  Step up to the top of the platform using the leg on the opposite of the kettleball. Drive up with the leg bringing the other foot to the top of the platform.  Step down to the floor.  That is one rep.  Complete all reps on one side and then switch sides.

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