Friday, March 20, 2015

Ten Things to Know about Fat Loss

1.       Consistency is Key: more than any other factor; it is consistency that creates change. In diet and in exercise, those who make small consistent changes create habits that change lives. Nothing will happen without sticking to it day in and day out.

Success isn’t always about ‘Greatness.’ It’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come…success isn’t overnight. It’s when every day you get a little better than the day before, it all adds up.-Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

2.       Weight loss is different than fat loss: Weight loss will change the number on the scale. Fat loss will change the way a person looks and improve overall health. Reducing caloric intake will cause a weight loss with or without exercise. A poor combination of dieting and exercise can make the number on the scale change without losing any body fat. Exercising without proper nutrition will result in muscle being lost instead of body fat, causing body fat levels to increase, even in the face of a smaller number on the scale. Exercising with proper nutrition will result in reduced amounts of body fat and it is entirely possible to lose body fat without seeing the number on the scale change. It may even go up a little. Learn to balance proper nutrition with exercise to optimize health and reduce body fat.

3.       Toss the scale out: following up on point number two, the scale does not tell a person how healthy he or she is. It tells a person how much gravity has to work to keep him from floating off into space; literally, in the study of physics and the laws of gravity, this is where the concept of weight comes from. Who cares how strongly gravity is in love with you? Pay attention to body fat levels and forget about the scale.

4.       Fat loss is not linear; it is sporadic. Everyone would like to think that once they are on a healthy nutrition program and exercising that the body fat will magically fall off in a steady, pattern able process. It will not. Some weeks a person may lose three or four pounds then it could take another four weeks to lose one pound. Typically, the first half of a person’s fat loss can happen in about twelve weeks. It could take several months or a couple of years to lose the remainder of the weight. If a person sticks with it, and after a year, can look back at a rate of one to two pound per week in that year, that person is doing outstanding.

Victory is not won in miles, but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and win a little more.- Louis L’Amour

5.       Diet is more important than exercise there is no way around this so stop looking. The road to frustration, desperation, and quitting is paved with people who thought they could out-exercise junk food. Eat to live, do not live to eat. Going back to the previous point, beware of any program or product claiming to encourage weight loss faster than one to two pounds per week. It might be possible, but it will not last. That weight will come right back as soon as the program ends or the product is no longer used. The body needs time to adapt to change to make it permanent.

6.       “Your comfort zone is your failure zone. Get into your achievement zone.”- Kip Herriage.  Remaining or doing things that feel comfortable is the surest path to no results. Comfort and results are two different planets; a person can only live in one place. If a person is looking for results then he will have to board the spaceship Change to get there. To paraphrase Bob Marley: if exercise is easy it ain’t worth it; if it’s worth it, it won’t be easy. Change does not come to those looking for comfort.

7.       Most people who exercise and struggle with weight loss grossly underestimate how hard they are working. If it did not leave sweating and out of breath; it was not challenging enough to create change. Hard work yields high rewards. How quickly the body changes will be a direct result of how hard a person works.

We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.-Carlos Castenada

8.       It will take longer than you think or want it to. It took me two years to lose 100lbs. Adversity comes with the process; if it was easy everyone would succeed. In the face of adversity, persistence and patient are vital to success. Fat loss is one of the best opportunities to develop these traits. Keep at it, especially in times when it seems like progress isn’t coming? To overcome adversity and find success one must attack, not retreat from the challenge.

The question is not “will you face adversity?” The question is “what will you do when you face adversity?”-Archie Manning

9.       A person can never go wrong with trying to grow strong. Muscles become stronger under the strain and challenge of demanding more than they can give. Mental strength is no different. The trick is in the approach. Strength is developed in the midst of the challenge, not before it begins and not after it ends, during the challenge. Step into it, not away from it.

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t do.”-Rikki Rogers.

10.   Wishing the process would be easier is a frustrating and pointless waste of time. It does not get easier
because of wishful thinking. Day-dreaming will not get the job done. It is action, and action alone that is the instigator of change. Do you want results? Then get up and do something! Even if it does not initially work as well as planned, some action is always better than inaction. No one ever changed by sitting around thinking about it.

A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.-Colin Powell

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