Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly challenge Workout September 17, 2012

Trainer Time: 27 minutes  48 seconds

Equipement Needed:
70lb, 40lb, and 20lb Kettle balls for men (m)
40 lb, 20lb, and 10lb Kettle balls for women (w)
1 set of TRX Bands
1 Jump Rope
10 agility hurdle- 6”
1 Swiss Ball

Set up:

Find an open space.  Attach the TRX band high and adjust handles to chest height.   Set out the agility hurdles in a straight line 18 inches apart.  Place the swiss ball, jump rope and kettle balls off to the side and out of the way.

Complete all rounds of each group of exercises as quickly as possible.  Move from exercise to exercise without resting.  Try not to rest until  completing all exercises in the group for the total number of specified rounds.  After completing all rounds of the group rest exactly one minute before starting the next group of exercises.  Use this one minute rest to set up equipment for the next round.

The Workout:

Round one: Complete three rounds

Kettleball Deadlift-70lbs (m) or 40lbs (w)-12 reps
TRX Pullups-12 reps
Agility Hurdles (there &back)
Side Plank-30 seconds each side

Rest one minute after completing all three rounds

Round two: Complete three rounds

Kettleball snatch-40lbs (m) or 20lbs (w)-6 reps each arm
Jump Rope 1 minute
Swiss Ball rollouts- 12 reps

Rest one Minute after completing all three rounds

Rounds Three: Complete three rounds-lower TRX handles to 12 inches above the floor

Kettleball One-leg squat-20lbs (m) or 10lbs (w)-6 reps each leg
Hip Thrusts-12 reps
TRX pushups-12 reps

Exercise Instructions:

Kettleball Deadlift
This is performed by starting in a squat, with feet shoulder-width apart, stand over top of the kettleball.  Keep the shoulders squared and behind the knees.  Grasp the handle of the KB with both hands.  Brace the core muscles and stand straight up, exhale through the movement.  Reverse the motion returning to the bottom of the squat, inhaling at the same time.

TRX Pullups
Make sure that the handles have been adjusted to chest height.  Grasp a handle in each hand and walk forward so that the body becomes parallel to the floor with the chest directly below the handles.  Keep your feet together and core braced.  Using the muscles of the back and arms pull chest up until it touches the hands.  Pause for one second and reverse the motion.  Remember to stay tight all the way through the movement.

Agility Hurdles
Lead with the right foot and step over the first hurdle, follow with the left.  Do not step over the next hurdle until both feet have crossed the previous hurdle.  Follow this pattern to the end of the line.  Then turn around and return leading with the left foot.  Focus on going a little faster each time.

Side Plank
Start by lying on the side of the body in a straight line. Place the forearm flat along the ground so that the elbow is directly beneath the shoulder and the hand is straight in front.  Keep the feet together with one on top of the other.  Lift the hips off the ground and hold high enough that the body is in a straight line.  Hold this position for 30 seconds than switch sides and repeat.

Kettleball Snatch
Start in the same position as the KB deadlift but grasp the kettleball with only one hand.  Explode upward, bringing the arm up past the shoulder and extending it straight overhead.  The arm should be fully extend by the time the body is standing straight.

Swiss Ball rollouts
Starting on the knees place the ball in front of the body with both hands on top.  Lean forward on the knees and extend the arms forward, pushing the ball.  Continue until the arms are fully extended and the body is straight from fingers to knees with the core braced.  Hold this position for two seconds, then contract the abs and reverse the motion back to the starting position.

Kettleball one-legged squat
Hold the KB with one hand at the shoulder.  Point the elbow out.  Pick up the opposite foot and point out in front of the body.  Drop into a squat.  Reverse the motion and remain standing on one leg.  Complete all reps on one side then switch.

Hip Thursts
Lie flat on the floor on the back.  Place hands out to the sides of the body.  Keeping the legs straight lift the feet until directly above the hips.  Point toes at the ceiling and lift the hips off the floor.  Lower, keep feet up, and repeat.

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