Friday, December 21, 2012

Fad Diets:Is it Worth it?

It is January. Know what that means? Everyone is an health, nutrition, and fitness expert; are  you ready to be bombarded by the fiendish health craze?  “Diet” is about to become the four-letter-word that everyone is doing while intensely hating it.  Every year a ‘magic’ formula diet program comes along that finds short-lived success while achieving incredible popularity.  In reality these programs are more brilliant marketing than significant and maintainable improvements in diet.  Notice the key words there: significant and maintainable.  Point number one:

If it makes you miserable doing it, you will not stick with it long enough to achieve lasting results.

So what is the point of trying? Most of these programs have the potential to cause a significant amount of weight loss in a short period of time.  Sounds good right?  The problem is what sounds good to the brain does not translate into permanent, healthy changes in the body. Take the Atkin's Diet as an example. It is one of the most well known programs out there. The Atkins’ Diet program began in the 1970s’ and if it worked as a permanent solution for weight loss and prevention of weight gain then there would not have been new ‘improved’ Atkins’ programs in both the 1990s and 2000s.
More recently, the Paleo Diet has gained popularity. The concept is simple; paleolithic man did not have the obesity and related health problems that affect most of the modern 21st century man. The solution is simple: eat like none of the modern junk food exists. So that means: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.  No grains, no starch, no artificial sweeteners, and certainly, no pizza. These are actually some pretty healthy guidelines. However, a program that calls for strict adherence and leaves zero room to accommodate real life events like birthday parties or weddings is not realistic. What is the fun of a diet program that has zero flexibility and leaves a person sitting in the corner munching on raw broccoli.

A program that does not teach how and when it is okay to cheat is not real life applicable. Why bother with something that does not account for real life?

The first tell-tale sign of a fad diet is constant, new and improved versions.  As an example, here is how most of these fad diets work; if person goes from eating the standard unhealthy American diet of refined sugars in baked goods, fried foods,and sugary drinks but then makes the change to a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, this can cause such a shock to the body resulting significant weight being lost in a short period of time.  Some people have lost twenty pounds or more in less than a month.  The problem with this rapid weight loss is that the body cannot compensate for this quick of a change by increasing the metabolic rate to burn more calories.  An increase in metabolic rate is achieved through a well-balanced diet and exercise.  For most people, it is not possible for the body to lose more than two pounds per week and keep the weight off.

There are several common claims that fad diets make as part of a clever marketing strategy.  Watch out for these claims and avoid programs marketed with these strategies.  It will save your time and money. Buyer Beware.

Reality Check
It is new, modern, improved, or recently discovered
Translation: It has not been around long enough for independent research to verify the claims
Fast or Rapid Weight Loss (more than 2lb/week)
It might be possible but the weight will come right back
Significant Weight Loss without exercise
I call it like it is: this statement is a load of crap deeper than anything coming out of Washington
Rare, ‘magical’, or ‘miracle’ foods
The only magic here is how quickly your money will disappear.  These products are often incredibly expensive.
A rigid menu or limited food selections, eating the same meals day after day
Be healthy by eating anything you want that does not come in a bag, box, plastic wrap, or is handed to you through a window
Including any supplements that claims to cure disease or other ailments
If it does not have independent research verifying the claims; it does not work.
Do not get suckered into fad diets.  They come and they go; hence the labeling of fad.  Here are some tips for identifying a healthy diet program.

1.       No prepackaged meals.  The program should teach how to eat real food that is cooked in a healthy manner and portioned into healthy serving sizes.
2.       The emphasis should be on changing what to eat, when to eat it, how to eat it, and how much.
3.       The program should be capable of accounting for physical activity levels for each individual person because every person’s body burns a different amount of calories while at rest and during exercise.
4.       The preparation of the food should be as close as possible to how the food occurs in nature with the exception of properly cooking to avoid food poisoning and illnesses such as salmonella.
5.       The program should be free of any meals or food that has sugar added to it.  The naturally occurring sugars in food are good.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New Year, New You, Set a Goal

The New Year is rapidly approaching, and as it does every year fitness clubs around the world will see a rapid influx of new members as the ‘resolutioners’ invades.  What is a resolutioner?  It is one of those people whom joins a gym during the January rush hell-bent on this being the year that fitness is a priority and health is reclaimed.  Most show up with great intentions but no game plan or sense of direction.  Almost all of them pour frantic energy into the new exercise regimen but without a defined goal or plan.  As a result, by end of February or early March, most resolutioners fizzle out due to frustration and a lack of success.

Avoiding this is a complicated process, but the dream of a healthier body can be achieved.  The process begins by setting a goal.  But not just any goal, a SMART goal: one that is Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time.   Do not say “I want to lose weight.”  Be specific; how much weight?  Specify a number and the goal becomes measurable.  A measurable goal is something that is attainable; the body can achieve what the mind conceives.  Attainable can be evaluated to determine whether or not it is realistic for a person to accomplish.  Sometimes, people become so fixated on seeing a certain number the scale the person never stops to consider whether or not that change would be a healthy one.  If person is only twenty pounds overweight but insists on losing forty pounds negative health consequences will come from this change.  Make sure a knowledgeable, certified fitness professional is working to help make this a health goal.  From here the proper Time can be established.  Many people that I have worked with get frustrated with this part.  If a person needs to lose fifty pounds, that will not happen in a month.  Understand that for permanent body composition change, for most people, it is not advantageous to lose more the two pounds per week.  Keep this in mind when establishing a proper time frame to achieve the goal.  I use the questionnaire below with all of my clients; use it to aid in developing a smart goal.

Goal-Setting Questionnaire
For Fitness Program Development

Client Name:                                      

Today’s Date:                                     


The purpose of this form is to properly identify the goal of the program being created.  Identifying a specific goal will maximize the effectiveness of the plan that will be created.  Please select an answer to the following questions or provide information where needed.

The primary goal is to:           Lose Body Fat             OR                   Gain Muscle

How many total pounds are to be lost or gained?                             lbs

I commit to losing/gaining                 pounds per week (Realistically no more than two for permanent changes in body composition)

I commit to exercising this many days per week:

2 days              3 days              4 days              5 days             6days

I commit to exercising this many minutes per day:

20 min             30 min             40 min             50 min             60 min

The expected time frame to achieve the desired results is:

1 Week            2 Weeks          3 Weeks          4 weeks           5 Weeks          6 Weeks

2 Months         3 Months         4 Months         5 Months         6 Months         7 Months

8 Months         9 Months         10 Months       11 Months       12 Months

Friday, December 7, 2012

Healthy Egg Nog Recipe

Healthy Eggnog Recipe with option to make a protein shake
8 cups 2% Milk
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
¾ cup truvia
3 tbsp vanilla
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp ground nutmeg
8 oz of vanilla flavored protein powder (I use Dymatize Nutrition whey & casein blend)

Mix eggs and egg whites together in a bowl and set aside.   In a blender mix together 5 cups of milk with truvia, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg.  Empty this mixture into a 4 qt pot and heat over medium-high heat until it lightly boils.  Reduce heat to simmer and stir in the eggs. Wisk for 2 minutes while simmering.  Remove from heat and chill in the refrigerator overnight.

To make this a protein shake mix in the protein powder after chilling overnight.  Add 8 oz to the entire mixture or 1 oz per serving.  This recipe makes 8 servings.

Nutritional Information per servings (8 total servings)

W/O Protein Powder: 155 cal, 7g fat, 8g protein, 15g carbs
 With Protein Powder: 280 cal, 8g fat, 29g protein, 22g carbs

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Build your own home gym

Is lack of time or convenience one of the reasons you don’t exercise?  Or do you have a treadmill, or other piece of cardio equipment, in your home seeing more use a clothes hanger than for exercise?  Or do you simply want to have a quality home gym and have no idea what to invest your money in?  Consider the equipment outlined here to make the most out of a home based fitness program.

TRX Bands
Invented by a former Navy Seal while on deployment, TRX Bands add an incredible dimension to body-weight training.  The innovative design allows for incredible range of motion and support while constantly improving core strength, flexibility, and balance.  The TRX Company has created instructional online and DVD series to teach the most effective ways to train with the bands.  Prices start around $200, which may seem pricey but it is a far better way to spend the money than a treadmill in the corner collecting dust.  Check out for more info.

Bowflex Selecttech Dumbbells
I own a pair of these that adjust from five to fifty-two and a half pounds.  This is, by far, the best dumbbell innovation in the last several years.  Each set comes with an instructional DVD and is capable of being used to perform any exercise that could be done in a gym. The set 5-52.5lbs set runs $349.00.  The set of 10-90lbs is $599.00.

Kettle Bells
Kettle Bells are similar to dumbbells but with an offset weight distribution, whereas with dumbbells the weight distribution is balanced.  The offset balance of the weight distribution makes the kettle bells a more challenging and versatile fitness tool.  I recommend having three sizes: 20lbs, 35lbs, and 50lbs.  Prices vary by size so shop around and compare, try or

Jump Rope
The Jump Rope is the most efficient and under-appreciated piece of cardio equipment available.  A jump rope workout can burn four to five times the calories as walking on a treadmill; but, without occupying a tremendous amount space in your home.  Nothing special required with this, pick up the cheap one at Wal-Mart and get hopping.  It is the best piece of fitness equipment that can be bought for less than $10.

Olympic Bar with weight plates
This is the most expensive equipment that should be in a person’s home gym.  The bar alone will set you back around $200.  I recommend getting about 250lbs worth of weight plates if you are going to invest in this equipment.  Buy two 45lb plates, four 25lb plates, four 10lb plates, and four 5lb plates.  The entire outfit will be around $600-$700 but it is essential for anyone who wants to have a home-based powerlifting program.  Prices based upon

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Healthy During the Holidays

The holiday season has hit with the force of a tornado.  Welcome to the most hectic 6-8 weeks of the year.  Thanksgiving through New Years’ can be a destructive force for health conscience people.  For those that are not health conscience, this often leads into a tremendous amount of guilt come January.  Born from this guilt will be a new round of “resolutioners” packing fitness centers and gyms across the country until the end of February when they drop off due to a lack of success.  That is a topic for another day.  Here are some key things to keep in mind for the next several weeks so that you are guilt-free in January.  There are two primary reasons that people eat more during this time of year: social obligations revolve around food and stress from over-commitment or pressure to "pull it off' with the organizing and attending of social events.
Parties happen, family get-together's happen, and schedules fill quickly.  Most people probably feel obligated to attend far more parties than they would like.  Pick one or two and say no.  If the stress of attending is outweighing the enjoyment of going it is not worth it.  Emotional stress leads to stress eating and weight-gain.  Skip the stressful situations. Focus on and enjoy the important ones.
 Limit the seasonal coffee drinks.  Everyone has their favorite holiday season drink, have it once or twice, but not every day.  One drink at the coffee shop can add up 600 calories per day to your diet. A 16oz (Grande) Starbucks Peppermint Mocha is 410 calories, 15g fat, 63g carbs (of which 54g are straight sugar), 13g protein.
Shopping can be a stressful experience so avoid the food court at the mall because nothing served there will help you feel better or become healthier. Park as far away from the doors as possible: extra walking equals extra calories burned.Take the stairs, most people can burn an extra 50-100 calories per day this way. It may not seem like much but 50-100 calories per day over the next 30 days will keep off an extra ½ to 1 lb.

Survive the party-day
·    At the party
o   Do not stand near the food; if it is out of sight, it is out of mind.  People eat more in social settings than when at home, so keep your distance from the food, and keep your figure.
o   Minimize the amount of time spent talking with people that are eating.  Again, if you can see food you will want it.
o   Have one drink for toasting and only sip it during the toasting.  Most people drink far more calories than they realize.  A serving of light beer averages 130 calories, wine 150 calories, and hard liquor 120 calories.
o   Drink water when not toasting.
o   If dinner is served focus on meat, fruit, and vegetables.

·         After the party
o   Drink 16 oz. of water before going to bed.  This will help flush out the junk in the morning.  It may also help prevent a hangover is too much alcohol was consumed at the party.
o   Get a full eight to nine hours of sleep, especially if you partied too hard.

Holiday Season weight gain is optional, not inevitable. The solution is pretty simple. People tend to consume more calories this time of year and increased physical activity is the only way to offset that. This does not necessarily mean that a person needs to double the amount of time spent in the gym. However, it does mean that a health conscious person does need to take every opportunity to avoid sitting and get moving. In reality the most guaranteed way to avoid Holiday weight gain is be more concerned about what happens other 48 weeks of the year than what happens during the 6 weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years. Consistency throughout the entire year will offset a short few weeks.

Friday, November 9, 2012

5lbs in 5 days-Friday

Friday: Day Five

      Final weigh this morning and I came in at 182.2.  I missed the target by 0.2lbs.  That could easily be a need for more fiber.  So the theory works while eating more than just chicken and broccoli, good to know.  I can’t say that I would eat this strictly all of the time because I definitely noticed fatigue creeping in on Thursday and Friday due to the calorie restriction.  Limiting myself to just a little over 2000 calories, which is 400-600 calories per day less than I typically eat is ok for two or three days but more than that gets tedious.  Here is the diet I finished the week with:

Friday’s Diet
Breakfast: Omelet: 4 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 tbsp. flax seed, 2 c Spinach
Morning Snack: 1 c Black Eye Peas, 4oz Chicken Breast
Lunch: Baked Sweet potato, 8oz Chicken Breast
Post Workout Snack: 4oz Greek Yogurt, 28 Almonds, 1 scoop Protein Powder
Dinner: 4oz Chicken Breast 2 c veggies

Total nutrition: 2141 calories, 87g fat, 132g fat, 213g protein, 20g fiber

Friday’s Workout
Following the dynamic warmup the following lifting workout was completed:
·         Close-grip Bench
o   3 warm up sets
o   4 sets of 8 reps
·         Cable High Pull
o   1 warm up set
o   4 sets of 10 reps
·         Band Tricep Pushdown
o   4 sets of 15 reps
·         Cable Rows
o   4 sets of 8 reps
·         Dumbbell Curls
o   3 sets of 8 reps per arm

After lifting 30 minute bike ride.

5lbs in 5 days-Thursday

Thursday: Day Four

            Thursday got off to a much better start thanks to my new friend.  This morning’s weigh-in had me down two pounds from Wednesday morning to 183.3.  My confidence in the success of this has returned after some brief doubt.  Another highlight to know, in case you have missed I have been gradually eating fewer and fewer carbs per day.  That is crucial to the success of this.  Before starting this project in a typical day I would eat 175-225 grams of carbohydrates to fuel my body for exercise and maintaining my current body composition.  On Monday I ate 142g, Tuesday 127, Wednesday 113, Thursday 105.  There are two important things to understand about low carb diets: 1) carb reduction should be a gradual process.  The body needs a few days to adjust to this to avoid unpleasant sides effects such as fatigue and moodiness and; 2) Women should never cut there carbs below 75g and men below 100g.  Doing so can lead to potential health emergencies due to low blood sugar without proper calorie compensation from fats and protein.

Thursday’s Diet
Breakfast: Omelet: 4whole eggs, egg whites, 2 c spinach, 2tbsp flax seed 2 tbsp. salsa
Midmorning Snack: ½ avocado 6 oz. tuna
Lunch: 4 oz. Chicken Breast, 2 c broccoli, baked sweet potato
Post workout Snack: 4oz Chobani Greek Yogurt Vanilla Chocolate Chunk, 28 whole almonds, 1 scoop protein powder
Dinner: 4oz Ground Turkey, ½ c black eye peas

Thursday Workout
The following was performed as a circuit after the dynamic warm-up.  Each exercise was performed for 1 minute.  All exercises were done without any rest.  A three minute break was taken after completing one round.  A total three rounds were completed.  It is not necessary, but for an extra challenge I did this entire workout wearing a 20lb weighted vest.
·         Battle Ropes
·         Kettle Ball Swings
·         Medicine Ball Slams
·         Sledge Hammer Swings
·         Agility Footwork in a 5 yard box.

After completing this I did two minute intervals on a bike for a total of 10 intervals. During a one minute break between intervals I did a 30 second plank.

5lbs in 5 days-Wednesday

Wednesday: Day Three

            Day three of this challenge began with a little discouragement.  Upon weighing in I found that my weight had dropped only .7 lbs. from the previous day.  This is setback from the pace of 1lb per day.  I was hoping to 185 lbs. or less instead of sitting at 185.3.  I know, I know, there is no sympathy for me considering I have lost 1.7lbs in two days. Do not pity me, I am not expecting it.  I am just anal when I do these little experiments.  It is the perfectionist side of me.  In spite of that, it was discouraging because this day presented to challenges, one I knew about ahead of time and one that required the assistance of a new friend.
            Everyone trying to eat healthy will inevitably run into the challenge of eating healthy while meeting social obligations.  This was the challenge for me that I knew about heading into Wednesday.  Every Wednesday night, as a part of church, our congregation has a community meal together.  Here is a situation where I never have control of the menu and due to time constraints preparing a healthier option this week was not realistic.  Normally this is not a problem because my wife and I plan our meals for the week considering this to me a cheat meal and avoid dietary setbacks.  On this particular Wednesday night the menu consisted of pork roast, cornbread casserole, green bean casserole, baked potatoes, and cake for dessert.  What would you do in my situation?  I ate pork roast and green bean casserole and skipped everything else.  Diet disaster minimized.  This leads into my second problem that required help from the new friend.
            Adam, meet Metamucil.  Metamucil, meet Adam.  After consulting with some friends who compete in body building contests and are more familiar with these short-term crash diets I made a stop at Walgreens after church; four servings of Metamucil before bed and high hopes for seeing a better number on the scale in the morning.  Apparently, these quick diets with sudden carb restrictions often lead to inadequate fiber intake. If I had known better, I would have met Metamucil on Monday.

Wednesday’s Diet

Breakfast: Omelet: 4 whole eggs egg whites 2 c spinach 2tbsp flax seed   
Morning Snack: 4oz chicken breast 1 c yellow squash 1 scoop of protein powder  
Lunch: Chicken Breast 2 c broccoli sweet potato      
Afternoon Snack: 1 scoop Protein Powder 28 Almonds   Tuna         
Dinner (At Church): 6oz of pork roast, 2 cups of green bean casserole       
Total Nutrition: 2030 cal, 77g fat, 113g carbs, 201g protein, 26g fiber

Wednesday’s Workout

After Dynamic Warm-Up
·         45 degree back extension: 1 set no weight, 2nd set hold 25lb plate, 3rd set hold 35lb plate, 4th and 5th sets hold 45lbs plate
·         Barbell Squats: 2 warm up sets of 135lbs and 185lbs for 5 reps.  Then completed 5 Sets of 5 Reps with 225lbs with 60 seconds rest
·         Deadlifts: 2 Warm-Up Sets of 135 lbs. for 5 reps.  Then completed 5 sets of 5 reps with 250lbs.

Ride a bike for 30 minutes after lifting

5lbs in 5 days-Tuesday

Five Pounds in Five Days

Tuesday: Day Two
            Beginning of the second day and I am down to 186lbs.  This starts me off on track for 1lb per day which is the pace I need to hit the goal of 5lbs in 5 days.  I have come to two realizations regarding breakfast: 1) Spinach and eggs are incredibly bland; to compensate for this I added some garlic powder and black pepper for seasoning; 2) An entire avocado is hard to eat in one sitting because it is also a little bland.  Some black pepper and a few drops of lime juice fixed this problem.  It is nice to have a wife who makes homemade guacamole.  Dinner presented a major mental obstacle; 16 shrimp and 2 cups of diced yellow squash feel more like an appetizer than a meal.  But I prevailed and stuck with the plan.  Mental discipline 1, waking up to a grumbling stomach at 3am 1.  We will call this match a draw.  In an upwards related note, by avoiding elevators, I again climbed 32 floors today.

Tuesday Diet:
Breakfast: Omelet: 6 egg whites, 1 avocado, 2 tbsp. flax seed, 2 tbsp. salsa, 1c milk, 4 pieces turkey bacon
Morning Snack: 2 Baked Pork Chops, 2 c Green Beans
Lunch: 4oz Chicken Breast, 2 c broccoli, sweet potato
Post Workout Snack: 1 scoop Protein Powder, 28 Almonds, 6 oz. Tuna in water
Dinner: 16 medium-sized Shrimp sautéed in 1 tbsp. olive oil, 2 cups yellow squash
Total Nutrition for the day: 2061 call, 88g fat, 127g carbs, 205 g protein, 25g fiber

Tuesday’s Workout
            If you are anything like me you find sitting on a bike or using a treadmill to be an incredibly boring and unappealing way to exercise.  So today’s workout is a challenging mix of cardio based upon a boxing workout. Perform the dynamic warm up before doing this and finish with 5-10 minutes of stretching afterwards. The Boxing part is done wearing a pair of boxing gloves and hitting a heavy bag or one of those ‘evil-looking’ rubber humanoid stands.  Alternate between throwing the outlined punch combinations and jumping rope; the timing of this is 45 seconds of punching combos, 15 sacs rest, 45 seconds of jump rope, 15 seconds rest.  Repeat this until you have completed every punching combination.  Do not sit idle during the 15 seconds of rest.  This is really only enough time to take the gloves on and off.  Keep moving.  After completing the boxing workout ride a bike for 30 minutes.

Boxing Cardio Workout

1.      Left Jab, Right Cross
2.      Jump Rope
3.      Left Jab, Right Cross, Left Hook
4.      Jump Rope
5.      Left Jab, Right Cross, Left Hook, Right Uppercut
6.      Jump Rope
7.      Left Jab, Right Cross, Left Hook, Right Uppercut, Left Body
8.      Jump Rope
9.      Left Jab, Left Jab, Right Cross
10.  Jump Rope
11.  Right Cross, Left Jab, Right Cross
12.  Jump Rope
13.  Left Body, Right Body, Left Uppercut
14.  Jump Rope
15.  Right Uppercut, Right Cross, Left Hook
16.  Jump Rope
17.  Right Cross, Left Hook, Right Hook
18.  Jump Rope

5lbs in 5 days-Monday

Monday: Day one

            Following my typical day; the alarm went off at 5:30am.  I after saluting the porcelain throne I weighed in at 187lbs.  Starting weight established and ready to rock.  I made a snap decision upon arriving at work and it is probably something I should do anyway.  The fitness center I work is located on the 8th floor of the building; no elevators for the next five days.  As a result and in addition to my normal exercise routine I climbed 32 floors today.  My thought is that I am glad I had an upper body workout planned for today.  Leg training on Wednesday is now a little worrisome.

Here is how Monday’s meal plan went:
Breakfast:  Omelet: 4 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 2 c fresh spinach, 2 tbsp. flax seed, 2 tbsp. of salsa
Morning Snack: ½ Avocado, 4oz Chicken Breast
Lunch: 4 oz. Chicken Breast, 2 c Broccoli, 1 Medium-sized baked sweet potato
Post-workout snack: 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 granny smith apple, 4 oz. Chobani Greek Yogurt Vanilla Chocolate Chunk, 6oz can of tuna in water
Dinner: 2- 4oz Pork Chops, 2 c Green Beans
Total Nutrition for the day: 2076 Calories, 76g fat, 142g carbs, 201g protein, 28g fiber

Monday’s Workout Program
            I begin every workout with a dynamic warm-up that takes 5-10 minutes to prepare my body for the exercise.  For an example of this view my earlier blog post entitled “Warm Up to a Proper Warm Up.”  This was followed by the lifting workout outline below.  After completing the lifting portion of the workout I rode the bike for 20 minutes.

Monday’s Lifting Routine
·         Bench Press Superset with Pull Ups wearing a 20lb weighted vest
o   5 sets for 5 reps on the Bench Press
o   5 sets for 8 reps on the Pull Ups
o   Go Immediately from BP to Pull-ups resting only long enough to put on the weighted vest.  Rest 90 seconds after completing the Pull Ups before beginning the next set of BP
·         Dips in weighted vest Superset with Barbell Curls
o   4 sets for 8 reps of dips
o   4 sets for 10 reps of Barbell Curls
o   Follow same rest procedure as above
·         Overhead Barbell Press Superset with Smith Bar Rows
o   3 sets for 10 reps of overhead press
o   4 sets of Smith Bar Rows

5lbs in 5 days Intro

Five Pounds in Five Days
            As a personal trainer, I am always interested in trying new things and seeing what works.  Before the start of a recent vacation, nine days to be exact; my wife proposed dieting as preemptive strike against the weight gain she thought inevitable while taking a trip to visit my parents.  Five pounds in nine days, which for her is doable.  My wife can be an incredibly determined and disciplined person.  That got me thinking, and since I agreed to join her in the effort for moral support, I wonder if I can do five pounds in five days: no thermogenic fat burning supplements, no shedding water weight; no sitting in saunas or those reflective, space-suit -looking ‘sweat’ suits.  Challenge accepted. 
I train like an athlete, not a body builder so I have little experience with these crazy crash diets.  I prefer to take a slower approach which leads to permanent changes.  Another reason that I have never tried this before is that eating nothing but chicken and broccoli for several days is incredibly unappealing.  To avoid this I added a few flavor varieties into the mix with the knowledge that this may impede the overall goal.  But since I am not competing in a contest that was not that much of a concern.  I am more concerned with the process than hitting an exact number but something has to be there as a target for the sake of evaluation.
            Our flight left on the Tuesday after the week of the experiment.  Starting on Monday, a week before the flight, the project began.  The most difficult part, like any weight reduction program, is to get the diet right.  Exercise is easy.   My wife and I already a clean diet so cleaning it up even further meant losing some of the variety in our normal meal planning.
Before going into the specifics of each day let me give an outline of how my typical day runs:
·         5:30am-Wake Up, Relieve myself, Weigh-in
·         6:00am-Finish Breakfast, wake up son feed him breakfast
·         6:30-7:00am Leave to train first client of the day
·         7:00am-9:00 Train independent clients before heading to work
·         9:00-5:00pm work, train other clients, teach group exercise classes, work on operational responsibilities, write in the free moments
·         Morning Snack between 10-10:30am
·         Lunch 1:00-1:30
·         Workout 2-3:00pm
·         Afternoon snack after workout
·         5:30pm arrive home
·         6:00pm Dinner
·         6-8:00 Family Time, put son to sleep
·         9:30pm Go to sleep

            If you are going to attempt this or any other weight loss program, weigh yourself in the morning, before breakfast, and after performing the morning ritual.  This is the emptiest your body will get and, thus, the most accurate time to weigh. 

Every morning with breakfast, the following vitamins and supplements were taken:
·         1- Generic Kroger brand men’s health formula multivitamin
·         1-Spring Valley Chewable Vitamin C 500mg
·         2-Spring Valley Fish Oil 100mg/300mg Omega-3 capsules

In addition to these supplements, in the evenings, before bed I had one more of the vitamin C and two of the fish oil capsules.  The only other supplement used was Dymatize Nutrition’s Elite Gourmet Whey & Casein Blend protein powder. 
            Another important factor to consider with the nutritional side is that absolutely no salt was added to any of the food consumed.  The sodium in salt helps the body retain water.  Salt in all of it forms was eliminated from the meal plan.  In fact the saltiest tasting thing that I ate was the two tablespoons of salsa used to season the omelet every morning.  If you want to see big changes on the scale in a short time avoid anything with salt. The lack of salt can lead to excessive water loss and result in dehydration.  To avoid this, I drank a gallon of water per day.